[Tfug] Question about parts

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 16 13:49:59 MST 2007

> >> 3. Where do I find in Tucson old Alpha DEC
> workstations and old SUN
> >> hardware?
> >
> > I trickle these through the University surplus
> every few months.
> > Although the flow is slowing down, I have two
> Alphaserver 4100s going
> > there in January. They aren't workstations, but
> > dual 21164 @ 500-600MHz


> > is better than you'd find in most workstations.
> Their website is:
> > https://uaauctions.arizona.edu/
> I have been going to those auctions more or less
> regularly for the past 2-3 month but I have
> never seen DEC or SUN hardware. I will make sure I

You have to look *carefully*!  Very rarely are Sun/DEC
machines placed on the "shelves" around the periphery
of the (ahem) "room".  Rather, they sit -- often
BURIED -- on pallets in the middle of the floor.
You have to really *know* what each machine looks
like because you may only see the back side of a
machine buried under a bunch of other stuff.

> go there for the next two-three auctions.
> I am looking for DEC hardware purely for
> sentimental reasons.

WorldCare has a 420R currently for sale (unless
Joe tossed it into the recycling bin in a fit of
"cleaning rage"  :>  ). You won't be able to buy
it until after New Year's, though, as they are
closed for inventory at this time of year.

I'll try to remember to check to see if it is
still available -- assuming you are interested in
it -- when I am next there.  IIRC, it currently
has 3x450 CPUs and probably 2G (??) of RAM plus
a pair of 18G drives (Joe can correct me if I have
misremembered  <:-(  )


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