[Tfug] Cheap parts online?

keith smith klsmith2020 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 9 19:26:28 MST 2007

If you do business with someone who it turns out has a pattern of abuse file a complaint with the attorney general's office, business fraud division. 

Angus Scott-Fleming <angussf at geoapps.com> wrote: On 9 Aug 2007 at 4:31, Shawn LaMaster  wrote:

> Don't know what you are looking for, but I have had no problems with 
> TigerDirect 

(This is from a message from a couple of years ago so many of the links may be 
dead.) See the following articles at digg.com:

    Tiger Direct uses False Advertising to get sales

TigerDirect and OnRebate Scam
    "If you purchase something from TigerDirect and try to get the rebate from 
    OnRebate.com, Good Luck!" It seems that many people are being denied 
    rebates for items purchased at TigerDirect. TigerDirect points the fault 
    at OnRebate.com and washes their hands of it. But guess what? THEY'RE 

Tiger Direct Complaints Adding Up
  jimphelps submitted by jimphelps 14 days ago
  (via http://www.bbbsoutheastflorida...)
    Based on Better Business Bureau files, Tiger Direct has an unsatisfactory 
    record due to a pattern of unanswered complaints including dissatisfaction 
    with product quality, failure to deliver promised goods, service issues, 
    misrepresentation in advertising and marketing practices and the failure 
    to address and overcome the basic cause of complaints.

Also, compare the results of the following searches:

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Keith Smith
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