[Tfug] FTGH: APC Back-UPS Pro 650

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 20 16:32:19 MST 2007

--- George Cohn <gwcohn at simplybits.net> wrote:

> Just for grins, I checked out the replacement cost
> for batteries for my 
> APC BR1500 UPS's.  I have the units with the extra
> battery modules so 
> they take 4 each at $69.99.  Ugh!  That's very close
> to what they cost 
> originally.
> And it looks like the batteries aren't generic
> enough to find a cheap 
> replacement.

Get some "car batteries" and reduce the specific
gravity of the electrolyte -- if "appearance" isn't
an issue  :>  When I had my "big" UPS out in the
garage, this was a great solution (since I could
arrange to put the actual battery pack outside
to avoid H2 venting problems!)
> I've only had them about two years so hopefully I'll
> get another year or 
> two out of them.
> One of the facilities I used to work in, the old
> Artisoft building on 
> Forbes, had a room sized UPS that took about 50 or
> so automobile sized 
> 12 volt batteries. It was in their computer room and
> powered all of 
> their servers, network, pbx, and ACD system.  May
> have even provided 
> power for emergency lighting.
> I seem to remember a quote of about $30K to replace
> the batteries and 
> service the unit.
> Usually when someone specs a UPS of that size, they
> back it with an 
> emergency generator but that building never had one.

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