[Tfug] OT: Speech synthesis papers

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 2 12:09:10 MST 2007


I'm trying to whittle down my pile of "stuph" and
*paper* represents a significant portion of it!
(running a "paperless" business for 20+ years still
results in a boatload of paper piling up!  :<  )

Anyway... I have several "classic" papers concerning
speech synthesis that will soon find their way to
the recycling bin.  While they *can* be obtained
via ILL, etc. (I am not sure if any of them are
available "on-line"), it's a PITA to actually chase
them down.

So, if anyone is interested n this sort of technology
and would want to peruse them, their free for the
asking.  Note that they are *technical*/research
papers... not the sort of thing you will find in a
magazine, etc.  So, a fair bit of familiarity with
the technology is necessary tounderstand many of the
issues raised, etc.

The first batch of papers include:

- Software for a cascade/parallel formant synthesizer

- Analysis, synthesis, and perception of voice quality
variations among female and male talkers (Klatt et

- Automatic translation of english text to phonetics
by means of letter-to-sound rules (Elovitz et al.)

- Review of text-to-speech conversion for english

They are, by no means, representative of the *current*
state of the art.  But, contain enough information to
implement a robust synthesizer from scratch.

There's about 150 sheets of paper here so I would
prefer NOT to have to mail it to anyone.  Though I
could probably arrange for it to meet someone at
a tfug pseudo-function, etc.


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