[Tfug] CPU Query

Jim Secan jim at nwra.com
Sun Apr 1 12:22:42 MST 2007

Jeremy D Rogers wrote:

> Ah, *real* computing! :-)  I have some very limited experience with
> this.. trying to get the most out of a processor with a program

I'm thinking I'll probably go with a 2X since it doesn't cost that much
more.  If I run some benchmarks (I have some other 2GHz-level Athlon64
systems that I can also run on) I'll post what I get.  I've calculated
that the run I am planning would take 260 hours on an existing 1.8 GHz
Athlon64, but I can break it into 1h chunks for benchmarks.  If the OS can
configure itself to use only one side of a 2X system, that might be
another interesting benchmark to try.  I know OS X indicates it can handle
this sort of configuration (although I don't know how well, 'cause I don't
have a 2X Mac).


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