[Tfug] OpenSourceHowTo.org

Paul Matthews paul.matthews at opensourcehowto.org
Fri Apr 13 08:22:43 MST 2007


hi everyone, i've setup a website so that users of open source server side
software can come and look at instructional guides, how-to's, forums,
wiki's and all sorts of other information about setting up software on
Linux for both windows and Linux based networks.

I am currently still working on it, adding new screen shots every day,
hoping to double check a lot of my how-to's once the screen shots are
added, re-write them to increase keyword density of my articles for better
search engine results & once that is done i will hopefully be added
streaming video of my how-to articles using either youtube embed code or
revver embed code.

I've made soo many changes to it over the past 2 months now here are a
list of just some of them.

- Added Super Scripted HowTo links on the home page to each HowTo
- Started adding configuration files into 'Quote' boxes
- Added irc://irc.freenode.net/opensourcehowto
- Added 'OpenSourceHowTo.Org Daily News'
- Started working on getting the Announcements page working with RSS.
- Removed up to 75 ads from OpenSourceHowTo.Org
- Ads locked down, no more offence ads (hopefully) & more relevant ads now
in place.
- New skin now working on all browsers, IE6, IE7, FireFox, Oprea, Safri.
- New skin released for OpenSourceHowTo.Org
- Started working on new skin for OpenSourceHowTo.Org
- Started transfering data from Wiki.OpenSourceHowTo.org to
- OpenWiki was installed on OpenSourceHowTo.Org
- A translation module was added for OpenSourceHowTo.Org
- Video How-to's are being made & added

This list with more information can be found at


I really hope there is some useful information for people here on this
website & please, if you have any advice or help on this website, i'd love
to hear it.

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