[Tfug] tfug's traffic too much

Tyler Kilian Vaca at GrazeLand.COM
Wed Sep 20 10:34:24 MST 2006

It should also be noted that a good R of TFM shows that a digest is

One e-mail, with such gems as hovercraft bobcats, SUV bashing, and Ken's
love of goatse, all in one e-mail?  Yes, the rumors are true;  Even Ron
Popeil couldn't cram more joy into a single 900 page e-mail!

> --- Brian Masur <bcmasur at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Any recommendations?  I can't keep up with the
>> group.  I have dozens of
>> unread tfug mail from over a week ago.  I have
>> considered creating a
>> dedicated email account on my server just for this
>> list, but I'm not sure if
>> it will help me.  I've also considered dropping the
>> subscription.  I hope
>> this feedback is useful and as always I appreciate
>> all of your help.
> Don't read every message  :>  (seriously!)
> Between mailing lists and USENET groups that I
> participate in, I have to sort through about
> 500 subject lines each day.  No way am I going to
> bother reading all of those messages (thankfully,
> the USENET posts tend to be more on-topic -- oddly
> enough -- so the subject line says it all...).
> Peek at a thread, decide if you want to follow
> it -- else hit delete and move on.
> Also, consider the efficiency of your mail reader.
> E.g., web based services tend to be slower at
> (interactively) processing individual messages
> so I only use them on lower bandwidth lists.
> HTH,
> --don
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Tyler Kilian
Krispy Kreme - The Edible Linux

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