[Tfug] XF86 revisited ... GRRRRRR

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 5 22:41:45 MST 2006

--- Earl <earljviolet at juno.com> wrote:

> I was going to diff the logs per your suggestion. I
> used "shutdown -h 
> now" instead of the "shutdown -r now" I used
> testing. I unplugged the 
> monitor and keyboard and hooked them up to the
> *good* machine and 
> copied the *good* log. I reconnected them and
> rebooted the *bad* 
> machine to get a fresh *bad* log. It booted into X
> without a problem. :0

Problem solved  (unfortunately  :< )

> Now the trick is to never shutdown again, right? :)

In manufacturing, the keyword in this case would
be "ship it! (before it breaks)"  :>

I assume your bad log is now lost forever (perhaps
you could cut and paste it from your *email*, here?)
If you've got more than one of *anything* (in your
case, complete "identical" systems!), comparisons
between them give you lots of leverage in chasing
down problems!  I ran identical systems for almost
10 years for this reason.  Finally got tired of
having to keep updating both at the same time... :<


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