[Tfug] Language choices

Michael Schultheiss schultmc at cinlug.org
Sun Oct 29 20:24:03 MST 2006

Tim Ottinger wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Oct 2006 16:38:18, Chris Niswander <cn.tfug.account at bitboost.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > >for node in nodes: print node
> > >           v.
> > >nodes.each { }node| puts node }
> >
> > So, in this context, what do you mean by "more correct"?
> "More correct" isn't "more correct".  It's more powerful, better for
> programmers, smarter in its way.  When you're used to blocks, you can hardly
> stand not having them.. Blocks are a very powerful abstraction, and make
> writing code a lot simpler and more clean for people who are block-infected.
> I'm sorry that it sounded like there was some kind of formal correctness
> proof.
> I think that the first one is easier for people to grasp. I think that
> probably makes it "a more correct choice" for people who aren't programmers,
> like visual basic users. ;-)

I find the first one easier to grasp since its syntax is similar to
nearly every language I've learned so far.

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