[Tfug] Language choices

Stephen Hooper stephen.hooper at gmail.com
Fri Oct 27 09:43:34 MST 2006

On 10/27/06, Tim Ottinger <tottinge at gmail.com> wrote:
> Wow. That's fairly obscure.  I remember when REXX was supposed to be the
> next big thing back in the early early 90s, but then I haven't heard the
> name since then.  ML I heard of a few times.  Is somebody considering
> building new systems in these, or did you just inherit a turd?

REXX was like IBM's version of  BASIC...  don't know why it would ever
be considered the next big thing, but it did ship on OS/2.  Maybe that
is why you have the association with 90's.

It is a nice enough language (imho unlike most other computer
languages that came out of IBM), so maybe all the hype was just IBM
marketing ;)

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