[Tfug] $2K fileserver

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 25 09:07:13 MST 2006


--- Robert Hunter <hunter at tfug.org> wrote:

> Conclusion: for about $2K and one day of your time,
> you can put together a 2 TiB fileserver ( in my
> configuration, 1.5 TiB of effective space ) with
> quality components.  I've been hearing about the
> falling cost of network storage devices, but I think
> you get "more bang for your buck" when you DYI.

I *truly* mean this naively, so please take no

But, what do you *need* that much storage for?  I
think my *lifetime* archive exceeds a few hundred GB.
i have a friend with a 4GB hardware RAID array at
home and, when I pose that question to him, I just
got a shrug of the shoulders (I suspect in his case
it was just stuff he inherited from work and... "why


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