[Tfug] OT: Shameless Parts Traficking - 5G, 30gig iPod with Bonus

Christopher Robbins robbinsc at gmail.com
Thu Oct 19 19:57:12 MST 2006

I've got a 5th generation (NOT 5.5G) ipod for sale.  It's more for parts
than anything - I took it to Simutek and they
recommended a new logic board.  The LCD is brand new and everything else
seems to be in working order.  I can't
verify the hard drive because...I don't have anything else to plug it into.

I bought a 60 gig replacement (cost $100) but I haven't moved forward on the
upgrade - I'll throw it into the bundle, as well as an
original Apple iPod dock.

Total cost - $130

Email me off list if you're interested.


Chris Robbins
Dept. of English Technical Support

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