[Tfug] SCSI Source

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 19 12:52:24 MST 2006


--- Don Freeman <DFreeman at pagnet.org> wrote:

> Where does one go to ck out these "deals"? 

WorldCare is located on Ellington (?) -- check
WWW.WorldCare.org for directions.

The UofA has surplus equipment auctions *roughly*
every other week, Tuesday mornings from 8:30A to ?
(usually, the last lots are sold around noon-ish).
I believe the doors open at 8A.

They are located north east of the Cherry / 22nd St
intersection.  I.e. if you come west on 22nd St.,
they are at the foot of the overpass (coming *down*)
before you reach Cherry.  Unfortunately, their
entrance is alongside the overpass (i.e. you're
still ON the overpass when you pass them!) so
you have to enter from *eastbound* 22nd St
(frontage road alongside the overpass, then
head north *under* the overpass and back *west*
along the northside of the overpass)

Since this Tuesday past (i.e. two days ago) was
an auction day, there should NOT be one next


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