[Tfug] Changing xterm colors

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 13 15:23:14 MST 2006

--- Matt Jacob <matt.jacob at gmail.com> wrote:

> At work, I have access to a few boxes via SSH. One
> is running Red Hat,
> and one is running Gentoo. The RH box uses a really
> dark shade of blue
> for directories (when using ls --color) and also for
> comments in vim.
> My terminal background is black, so dark blue on
> black is nearly
> impossible to read. The Gentoo box uses a brighter
> shade of blue,
> which I can actually read against the black
> background.
> The question: How do I change my color settings on
> the RH box to make
> them the same as the Gentoo box? I've checked out
> setterm, and I think
> that may be what I want, but I'm confused as to what
> exactly I need to
> do. Any ideas?

What about app-defaults/XTerm-Color ?

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