[Tfug] Religious crap

keith smith klsmith2020 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 6 09:46:35 MST 2006

Ok on to Linux.

I have 2 amd500 desktop/servers from 2000 that I had in a box for over 2 years due to my move to phoenix.   One has 128MB RAM the other 256MB RAM. 

Just freed them.  Tried to install http://www.ubuntu.com/ on the 265MB one and it crashed.  Besides that it was real slow going.

Wanting something leaner I looked at 

http://www.puppylinux.org/user/viewpage.php?page_id=1 - this one looks like one needs to install DOS first.  Don't want to do that. 


http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/ - looks normal and based on debian which I like.

Anyone have any experience with these or any recommendations for some not too time consuming install?


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Keith Smith
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