[Tfug] Language choices

Chris Niswander cn.tfug.account at bitboost.com
Thu Nov 2 06:14:22 MST 2006

At 10:56 PM 11/1/2006 -0600, you wrote:
>> Warning: This message provides NO useful information about M L or R E X X!
>I only know so much, but I offer what I do know.  I guess that's the kind of
>giving, ignorant guy I am.

Giving?  Sure!  I am having trouble seeing you as ignorant though.

>Java wasn't the first, nor the best, object-oriented languages. I'm only a

Well, originally I intended my example code to be C, but I seem to have 
screwed up my punctuation and turned it into Java by mistake.  :-)
Funny but 100% true.

>5. Also, I found a code example
>>        [1,2,3].delete_if{|x| x == 1}       # => [2,3]
>>    and I'm thinking, does Ruby really have a specific loop operator (well,
>>    I guess really a specific method of the standard libraries' collection
>> classes)
>Does it really? No.  It doesn't have any loop operators. After you're done
>calling me
>a liar, realize that delete_if is not an operator.  It is not part of the
>grammar of the
>language in any way, shape, or form.
>Delete_if is a member function.  It's a member function of the list class,

Call you a liar?  I think what I really did was, 
in parentheses I preemptively called you a truthteller. :-)

Nonetheless I think you're right to explicitly emphasize the distinction
that I slurred over in my hyperbole.


>So even though I do almost everything for work in some C++-based-language
>these days (Java and C# keep dragging me into their worlds)  and all my fun
>stuff in Python, I think that Ruby/smalltalk have the better way wrt
>keeping the language syntax absurdly small and simple.

Thanks for giving me so much to chew on in my head, including reference links!

I just can't figure out why you're doing your fun stuff in Python
instead of Smalltalk or something else more exotically correct, 
um I mean useful. :-)


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