[Tfug] XF86???

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 27 10:19:23 MST 2006

--- Earl <earljviolet at juno.com> wrote:

> I altered the configuration file to fit the Sun
> monitor specs. When I 
> enter startx command, I get a brief flash of a
> screen with a dark X 
> in the center. This is followed by several screens
> of error messages.

The traditional X screen looks grey (if you look at
it closely, it looks like burlap... "rootweave")
with a grey X cursor (except the corners of the X
are mitered).

Is the graphic screen *disappearing* when the
error messages turn up?  I.e. do the error messages
look like your normal "text console" would and
the graphics stuff is scrolling off the top?

> I was only getting error messages before. Does this
> mean I am making progress?

As long as you don't see SMOKE, that's progress!  :>

Try to notice what the messages are saying
(especially the first ones).  CTRL-S *might*
help stop them from scrolling off screen if
the text is being written to the console character
device (CTRL-Q will restart the messages scrolling).

Note if they are complaining about screen definitions
(unsupported visuals, resolutions, etc.) *or* if
they are complaining about missing applications
or libraries.

Depending on what logging you have set up, you can
also check /var/log/* (or wherever your syslog
drops things off) -- look at the most recently
modified files since you are interested in
errors that were logged *when* you started X)


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