[Tfug] IBM 5100 v. Holographic Computers

Brian Murphy murphy+tfug at email.arizona.edu
Thu Jul 6 16:01:54 MST 2006

Quoting sitkaa at email.arizona.edu:
> This is relevant to me, in particular, because I am standing at the
> beginning of
> a large potential project that proposes to migrate many public planning
> functions into the *nix world. How can I seriously propose this if the
> IT world
> doesn't take the time stamp problem seriously?

Because the choice of not moving to unix has problems too?

So seriously, nobody gave you a long response now because the details
can be complicated and it really is a LONG time away.  Also, nobody
here will code you a comprehensive solution this week because they
can't.  You have to look at your entire chain of software from the OS
to the APPLICATIONS.  Remember when vendors issued Y2K compliance
statements?  They'll have to do the same thing come 2030-something.
Because if the vendor doesn't, a competitor will.  Remember the
TEOTWAWKI crowd?  Where are they now?  Pointing at MS Excel for its
2079 problem?  So when you make your proposal, instead of specifying
IBM 5100 hardware, specify open source software.  That way people (like
perhaps interested TFUGers) can recompile against the new Y2038
libraries when a generally accepted solution gets pushed out.


The opinions or statements expressed herein are my own and should not be
taken as a position, opinion, or endorsement of the University of

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