[Tfug] Older Computers and memory for Linux

Joseph P Alwine joealwine at juno.com
Fri Feb 3 11:29:02 MST 2006

Another way to solve the 486 problem. 
Non Profits can contact World Care to get free computers. These would be
PII and PIIIs. We have lots of computers but not enough people to fix
them. If  anyone has some extra time to volunteer please stop by at 3538
E. Ellington Place and talk to Pam or Lisa. Phone is 514-1588. Web site
is www.worldcare.org.
World Care also sells computers and related items in their store. Alot of
older stuff is going to scrap. Not enough time and space to save
everything. We could use help sorting stuff. If you need certain items we
can try to save them for you. You can contact me off list. Thanks!

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