[Tfug] Asterisk PBX

Harry McGregor micros at osef.org
Wed Dec 27 11:22:14 MST 2006

Hi Everyone,

A few additional notes.

CIS 225 or reasonable working knowledge of Linux would be a prerequisite.

I would be teaching more of the Linux install and TCP/IP areas

George would be teaching more of the Asterisk and Telephony areas.

Suggestions of meeting times would also be nice (please send them via
email to George as well).

Hardware could be an issue (both quality and availability), but we
should be able to leverage IP technologies to escape most of the
availability problem (soft phones, SIP and IAX PSTN access accounts). 
Quality, well if you have taken any of my classes, you know what you are
in for (failing hard drives mostly).

We may even be able to convince Nick Lopez to give a guest lecture or
two on a few areas.


George Cohn wrote:
> I don't know how many folks on this list are interested in Asterisk, the 
> open source PBX.
> I've been talking to Harry and Ron Evans at PCC, trying to get them to 
> offer a class.  The problem with offering any new class is getting 
> enough people to sign up to make it worthwhile.
> The target would be 10-12 confirmed students.  Anyone interested, drop 
> me a line and I will put together a list and see if we can talk them 
> into offering it.
> In the meantime, I've built at least a half dozen Debian based Asterisk 
> boxes.  One even had a T1 card in it and was interfaced to a Nortel Opt 
> 81C PBX via primary rate ISDN over a T1. I was able to provide complete 
> functionality including conference rooms and an interface to their wi-fi 
> network so I could receive all my office calls on my UTStarcom wi-fi 
> phone anywhere on campus.
> I don't work there any more but if anyone is interested in building a 
> box, I would be happy to help.  If the PCC thing doesn't work out, maybe 
> a few people would be interested in meeting somewhere on a couple of 
> weekends and learning a little about it?
> All we need is a box with a small hard drive and can load Debian from a 
> net install.  I have a spare Digium FXO-FXS card we could use or we 
> could just use ztdummy and use something like one of the free or cheap 
> soft phone services like Broadcom to demonstrate interfacing to the PSTN.
> George Cohn
> Tucson
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