[Tfug] Boot Failure

Dennis McCormick macsinitial65haus at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 07:45:34 MST 2006

On 12/5/06, Zog <zog at chronophobia.org> wrote:
> I know that this is very off topic but I am desperate. I plugged an
> illuminated keyboard into a usb slot on my wife's computer, and now it
> won't boot even after switching the keyboard back. It stalls right after
> the drive lights flash but before the video comes up, there is no beep
> at all. I am at a total loss. If anyone has a suggestion I would
> appreciate hearing it.
This could be a motherboard or chassis power supply failure. Was this
the first time the suspect keyboard was plugged into anything? How
much current or power does does the USB keyboard draw? Have you tried
unplugging the computer's power cord for 5 minutes and then trying to
power the computer up again? How old is the computer? Has its battery
that maintains the BIOS memory died? If the battery is OK, you could
try to clear BIOS memory, usually by selecting a jumper on the
motherboard. Try another chassis power supply or motherboard.

Good luck, Dennis McCormick

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