[Tfug] [stein.les at gmail.com: TCS General Meeting]-->(info re TCS)

Chris Niswander cn.tfug.account at bitboost.com
Fri Aug 25 20:25:03 MST 2006

>Toward what sort of audience is the presentation aimed?  I don't know much
>about TCS...

I've only been to a couple of the general TCS meetings.
The audience size probably wasn't more than a few hundred (!) people.

It appears to me, the *majority* of the membership of TCS
are individuals interested in learning to use computers.
I think the majority are *not* already computer experts.

There is, of course, no required prerequisite computer education to join TCS.

When you talk to people holding positions of responsibility in TCS, 
you will of course find most or all have considerable knowledge and skill
in using computers.  But understandably the leaders are not really
typical of the membership at large.

TCS has a Linux SIG (special interest group) as a subgroup of TCS.  
I wonder why that Linux SIG isn't doing this presentation?

For more info re TCS, see http://www.aztcs.org/

>If Microsoft is doing a presentation of Vista in six months to the same
>group, what expectations would there be of the Linux presentation?  It

As for a possible Vista presentation in six months...
I guess this means any Linux sales pitch will have
six month's headstart? :-)


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