[Tfug] WANTED: Experienced Unix Admin (Job)

Quag7 coldfront at frostwarning.com
Fri Aug 11 22:24:54 MST 2006

On Tue, 2006-08-08 at 20:28 -0700, Judd Pickell wrote:
> well someone did.. ie: Experience in one or more shell languages (e.g.,
> bash, csh), Perl,
> PHP, C and/or Java.
> On 8/8/06, t takahashi <gambarimasu at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > he didn't.

The amount of PHP shell scripts I have on my system is fairly
astounding, since it was the first thing I learned - first for websites,
then I figured why not automate some stuff on my systems.

Now I write everything in Perl because that's all we have at work but
frankly, at least so far for me, 6 of one, half dozen of another.

I do realize that this is fairly gauche and perhaps even uncivilized;
but it does work :)  Nevertheless I will probably use Perl exclusively
going forward for maximum portability.

My nightly network-wide backups work via a PHP script here, still,

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