[Tfug] RE: Cisco Study Materials

William Stott WStott at ventanamed.com
Tue Apr 4 13:53:15 MST 2006

Hello TFUG,


After getting many requests for the study materials (all requests were
for Cisco stuff), I tried to send out the docs to some of you that
replied back to me without success. The amount of documents I have for
Cisco turns out to be well over 100 MB in materials. Is it possible to
get this information on the HelpDesk link on the TFUG website? Maybe
this would be the easiest way. Any other suggestions would be welcomed
and appreciated.


I am not sure who runs that shop (I thought at one point it was Jon),
but if somebody could reply I would be glad to get these up somewhere so
that other s could use them.




William Stott

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