[Tfug] CD-R Problem on FC-2

Jer_57 (Cox) jer_57 at cox.net
Thu Oct 28 14:01:36 MST 2004

I have seen problems in the past, but right now I can say that I am able 
to burn CDs from my FC2 system running 2.6.8-1.521smp using cdrecord 
directly and xcdroast.  I have not been able to get k3b running though, 
it never sees my recorder except as a reader.  I am not loading ide-scsi 
at all either.  There has been a lot of traffic about 2.6.8 and ATAPI 
recording when searching google.

What happens if you try:
cdrecord -scanbus dev=ATAPI
cdrecord -v dev=ATAPI:0,1,0 theisofile.iso

Mine reports the writer at 0,1,0 btw.


Jim Secan wrote:
> I've just updated a system that had been running RH8 to fedora core 2
> (2.6.8-1.521 kernel; clean install, not an update) and I've lost the
> ability to burn CDs (I have a Sony ATAPI drive).  I had been using xcdroast
> under RH8 with no problems.  Now I've tried xcdroast, k3b, and in final
> desperation cdrecord directly.  I also tried writing an iso to a blank CD
> using nautilus (which does detect that there is a blank CD in the burner).
> In all cases I've tried as a user and as root, with the same result - the
> entire system locks up at some point in the process requiring a hardware
> reset.
> I didn't notice any odd complaints from cdrecord (other than a statement
> that this was a version modified to handle DVD and don't bother the author
> with problems), and it hung up both times I tried to burn a CD with a last
> output line of:
> Drive buf size = 1821440 = 1774 KB
> After this is displayed on the terminal screen the system is still running
> for 10s of seconds, and then it just locks up.  I believe all the other
> things I've tried eventually use cdrecord to do the dirty work, so I think
> the problem is with cdrecord.
> I've not had time to rftm (CDR HOWTO) yet, and I've been told that it
> hasn't been updated to deal with issues related to the 2.6 kernel.  Has
> anyone run into this problem before?
> Jim
> *---------------------*-------------------------------*
> | Jim Secan           | Northwest Research Assoc, Inc |
> | (jim at nwra.com)      | 2455 E. Speedway, Suite 204   |
> | (520) 319-7773      | Tucson, Arizona 85719         |
> |    Space Weather Info: http://www.nwra-az.com/      |
> *---------------------*-------------------------------*
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