[Tfug] USB mass storage?

Choprboy choprboy at dakotacom.net
Tue Oct 12 11:57:18 MST 2004

On Tuesday 12 October 2004 11:21 am, robbinsc at ece.arizona.edu wrote:
> I bought a new, 200gb WD hard drive off ebay, and the auction included an
> external USB enclosure (I plan to use it with my laptop.)  I recieved it
> last night and plugged it in, and it was recognized.  SuSE 9.1 reported a
> USB mass storage drive, and can correctly report the size and format of
> the drive (NTFS), but I can't access any of its' contents.  I get an error
> message along the lines of "usb storage device can not be accessed".  Does
> anyone here have any experience with external USB drives, or can direct me
> in the right direction?  I've got all the SCSI and USB tools installed,
> but nothing has worked yet.  I thank anyone that can help me to get this
> thing working.....

Weird... My first suggestion would be that a config file is fat-fingered 
somewhere, so you didn't actually mount/reference the partition you thought 
you did...

The other thing could be a USB driver problem. A couple months ago I bought a 
512MB USB flash drive... it had a very simillar problem to yours. I could see 
the USB device (and view the partion table with fdisk as I recall), but any 
attempt to read/write to the partition resulted in I/O errors. Several other 
128/256MB flash drives worked just fine, as did an 80GB drive in an external 
enclosure... but the 512MB wouldn;t work. After I updated my Redhat 9 kernel 
the problem went away.


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