[Tfug] MySQL Meetup *schedule change* ---> Oct. 12 Tuesday 6pm?

Chris Niswander cn.tfug.account at bitboost.com
Mon Oct 11 20:31:56 MST 2004

At 06:01 PM 10/6/2004 -0700, you wrote:
>I received such an odd assortment of responses from the TFUG list, and 
>lo and behold, 4 other people went to the http://mysql.meetup.com site 
>and signed on. I have set the first "meetup" for this coming Monday at 
>Bentley's at 7pm. All of this is flexible after this initial meeting, as 
>far as I'm concerned. I'd like to keep the Thursday night open for the 
>PHP meetup group. If anyone else from the TFUG group is interested, 
>please feel free to do the following:
> visit the mysql.meetup.com site and get set up there to receive notices 
>about meetings, see who else is attending, etc.
>  show up at Bentley's on Monday 10/11 at 7pm for the initial meeting.

I applaud your volunteering to head the local meetup,
but if you were at Bentley's on Monday 10/11 at 7pm,
you were awfully inconspicuous.  I was easy to find
with a "MySQL MEETUP" sign.

If you send out a meeting announcement to a given group
such as the TFUG mailing list, please post corrections/updates 
to the same group if you change the event date/time.

BTW all, I see that if one logs into the meetup.com website,
there is now a MySQL meetup scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 12 at 6pm, 
at Bentley's.  New date, new time.


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