[Tfug] Re: backup partition table

Mike Morrell mike at themorrells.org
Sun Oct 10 15:41:17 MST 2004

Whew thanks Zach, I forgot "count=1".  I guess I would have realized it 
when my floppy ran out of space.

Zach Nation wrote:
> "To backup the partition table ahead of time I can use 'dd bs=512 
> if=/dev/hda of=/dev/fd0/parttbl.bin' right?"
> Not sure, but I think you want to put "count=1" on there (so you only 
> copy the first 512 bytes). How big is the partition table again? The way 
> you have it now, you're copying the entire drive (with block size 512 
> bytes) to the floppy... so you need a "count=" plus the amount that will 
> copy the partition table and nothing else.
> Hope that helps...
> -- Zach Nation

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