[Tfug] I'm moving, and a new position at the U of A

Sam Hart hart at physics.arizona.edu
Wed Oct 6 09:58:30 MST 2004

Well guys, some of you already know this, but for those that dont, I have 
been given a job at Progeny (www.progeny.com) and will be leaving Tucson 
for Indianapolis in the /very/ near future.

I have enjoyed TFUG and knowing all of you. Never fear tho, I am such a 
helpless mailing list and IRC addict I'll still lurk here and in #tfug for 
quite some time to come ;-)

Me leaving is going to create a... ahem... void in the Physics Department 
at the U of A. They will be looking to replace me fairly quickly. I 
mention this because I know there are still several TFUGgers (boy that 
sounds bad) out there looking for employment.

The ideal replacement for me will be someone adequately familier with both 
Windows (2k and XP primarily) and Linux. Someone who can make the two work 
well together (such as dual booting machines/laptops, setting up 
SAMBA/LDAP servers as PDCs, etc and so forth) is pretty much a necessity. 
Basically, someone with the following items of knowledge or willing to 
learn them:
	* SAMBA (2.x and 3.x)

	* Windows 2k and XP administration (with Linux PDCs)

	* CYGWIN as an administrative tool (this is important, my way of
	  solving Windows problems was to approach them as a *nix person).

	* Red Hat/Fedora (possibly SuSE as we now have a cluster running

	* Symantec GHOST combined with CYGWIN as a cloning solution.

	* Sophos AV and management/update tools.

	* Misc Win/Lin security.

	* Other things I'm likely forgetting ;-)

If interested in replacing me, keep an eye out on the UA Career Track 
website (http://www.uacareertrack.com/) for the job (Support Systems 
Analyst for PAS). I wouldn't recommend just approaching them out of the 
blue until the job has been posted (simply because they are going to be 
very grouchy for the next few weeks as they adjust to my absense ;-)

I probably shouldn't be posting this to the list... but hey, what are they 
gonna do? Fire me? ...And anyway, I do want to see them find a replacement 
for me quickly. I'd wager someone else out there in TFUG would fit the 
bill nicely ;-)

Sam Hart
University/Work addr. <hart at physics.arizona.edu>
Personal addr. <sam at samhart.net>

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