[Tfug] MythTV, LVM, and JFS

Stephen Hooper schooper at email.arizona.edu
Mon Oct 4 19:12:19 MST 2004

On Mon, 2004-10-04 at 19:03, ewf wrote:
> Well,
>            I'm looking at the literature on MythTV and maybe someone can 
> clear up some
> of the confusion.
>            I like the features of LVM because of the future need to add 
> more physical disk
> space easily.
>            I like the features of JFS because I want to delete/edit 
> large Gb-sized files.
>            In Linux fdisk, the newest versions will give you 8e, (Linux 
> LVM), filesystem; but
> the literature on LVM says nothing about JFS. Can you have the best of 
> both worlds?

LVM's are Logical Volumes, they have no cares about what filesystem you
place on them, of even if you put a filesystem on them.

The arguments to fdisk are inconsequential, unless you want to use a
partition as a physical volume.  

What you should probably follow these steps:

- create a physical volume (if you are going to be sharing the disk with
other partitions then you will need to create a partition to hold the pv
( then  you would use 8e) ).
- create a volume group with vgcreate.
- create a logical volume with lvcreate.
- create a filesystem on that lv with mkjfs (or whatever command JFS

You could just as easily make a ext2 filesystem, or a cramfs
filesystem.  It really shouldn't matter.

The only thing I could see that would stop you from doing this, is if
JFS reads and writes using direct disk calls.

Otherwise it should work, barring bugs.

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