[Tfug] Samba question - using the Eller college network

Peter Merritt pwmerritt at weirdwater.org
Fri Oct 1 09:23:25 MST 2004

smbclient --user ecoprint  \\Eller-2ks\Economics/ Common 
and add a -K if you want kerberos authentication. I tested this against a Win2k server, samba can't handle the share name with a space in it, thats why you can't list it..

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: tfug-bounces at tfug.org on behalf of Joshua Bernstein 
	Sent: Fri 10/1/2004 2:04 AM 
	To: Tucson Free Unix Group 
	Subject: Re: [Tfug] Samba question - using the Eller college network

	Hey Wafa,
	        First hopefully you're running samba >= 3.0 The 2.2 branch is old and
	only causes problems with w2k3.
	        Try something like smbclient \\\\Eller-2ks\\Economics/Common -U
	username ( think thats right)
	        try something like mount -t smbfs -o username=myusername
	//Eller-2ks/"economics common" /mnt/data
	What I would imaging is going on is that smbclient is unable to find
	share name with long spaces in them (shame on those moronic windows
	users) for putting spaces in there folder names. Also, the folder on
	the server side may be mis-configured to not allow browsing of, making
	a simple browse sweep have the folder not appear. Rather a direct
	connection may work better.
	Let me know if I can help you any more... Its been a long time since
	I've hacked the Eller Network..
	-Joshua Bernstein
	Systems Analyst
	University of Arizona
	Tucson, Arizona, USA
	On Sep 30, 2004, at 2:23 PM, Wafa Hakim wrote:
	> Hi,
	> This is probably a stupid question, but I've googled with no luck, so
	> here
	> goes...
	> I'm trying to mount a shared folder on the Eller College BITS network
	> at the
	> UofA. Basically I connect my laptop (Mandrake 10.0) to the network, &
	> want
	> to use a shared folder called 'Economics Common' on a machine called
	> Eller-2ks, on the Eller workgroup. The servers all run Windows Server
	> 2003.
	> (Note: I use the network printer just fine by setting up the printer
	> using
	> its IP address.)
	> Now, in order to use the shared folder, I need to be logged in using a
	> common login that all Econ grad students use. (Obviously this is not my
	> Linux  user name.) So I set up Samba to use 'ecoprint', which is the
	> user
	> name, as the default user name. If I boot my machine in Windows, I've
	> mapped a network drive to that folder, so I double-click it, it asks
	> for
	> the user name & password, I supply them, & I can use the folder.
	> The problem is, when I use either the Smb4K front-end or the smbclient
	> utility, I can browse all the machines on the network including
	> Eller-2ks.
	> I can view a list of folders & printers on Eller-2ks, including the
	> network
	> printer I use. But I can't see the 'Economics Common' folder. Oddly
	> enough,
	> I can see shared folders for the MAP & MIS departments, but not the
	> one I
	> need. The minute I reboot in Windows, the folder magically reappears.
	> Sample output of smbclient follows:
	> [wafa at eller253191 wafa]$ /usr/bin/smbclient --user ecoprint -L
	> \\Eller-2ks\
	> Password:
	> Domain=[ELLER] OS=[Windows Server 2003 3790] Server=[Windows Server
	> 2003
	> 5.2]
	>         Sharename      Type      Comment
	>         ---------      ----      -------
	>         UGrad Common   Disk
	>         Q$             Disk      Default share
	>         MAP Common     Disk
	>         Career DB      Disk
	>         VSS            Disk
	>         fin-315s       Printer   fin-315s
	>         fin-315r       Printer   fin-315r
	>         print$         Disk      Printer Drivers
	> <snip, it's a very long list of folders & printers that looks just
	> like this
	> - but doesn't contain the folder I want>
	> Domain=[ELLER] OS=[Windows Server 2003 3790] Server=[Windows Server
	> 2003
	> 5.2]
	>         Server               Comment
	>         ---------            -------
	>         STARGAZER-2K3
	>         Workgroup            Master
	>         ---------            -------
	>         ELLER                STARGAZER-2K3
	> Contents of my /etc/smb.conf follow:
	> # Samba config file created using SWAT
	> # from (
	> # Date: 2004/09/30 14:12:50
	> # Global parameters
	> [global]
	>         workgroup = ELLER
	>         realm =
	>         server string = Samba Server %v
	>         security = DOMAIN
	>         map to guest = Bad User
	>         log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
	>         max log size = 50
	>         socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
	>         printcap name = cups
	>         dns proxy = No
	>         wins server =
	>         ldap ssl = no
	>         username = ecoprint
	>         valid users = ecoprint, wafa
	>         printer admin = @adm
	>         printing = cups
	> [printers]
	>         comment = All Printers
	>         path = /var/spool/samba
	>         create mask = 0700
	>         guest ok = Yes
	>         printable = Yes
	>         print command = lpr-cups -P %p -o raw %s -r   # using client
	> side
	> printer drivers.
	>         browseable = No
	> [print$]
	>         path = /var/lib/samba/printers
	>         write list = @adm, root
	>         inherit permissions = Yes
	>         guest ok = Yes
	> [pdf-generator]
	>         comment = PDF Generator (only valid users)
	>         path = /var/tmp
	>         printable = Yes
	>         print command = /usr/share/samba/scripts/print-pdf %s ~%u
	> //%L/%u %m
	> %I "%J" &
	> [tmp]
	>         path = /tmp
	> ------------------------
	> So what am I doing wrong? Any suggestions will be greatly
	> appreciated.....I
	> hate having to reboot in Windows or run to the lab every time I need
	> to use
	> the shared folder...
	> And if there are any people from BITS on Tfug & reading this, then
	> this is
	> all your fault for never responding to my tech support requests! :)
	> Thanks in advance,
	> Wafa.
	> --
	> "One of the many major problems with governing people is that
	> of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get
	> people to let them do it to them.
	> To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who
	> must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited
	> to do it.
	> To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting
	> themselves made President should on no account be allowed to
	> do the job."
	>     --Douglas Adams, "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe"
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