directives in
C header files to files containing subroutine definitions, like &SYS_getitimer, which you can use as arguments to your functions. It doesn't work perfectly, but it usually gets most of the job done. Simple files like
errno.h, syscall.h, and socket.h were fine, but the hard ones like ioctl.h nearly always need to hand-edited. Here's how to install the *.ph files:
1. become super-user 2. cd /usr/include 3. h2ph *.h */*.h
If your system supports dynamic loading, for reasons of portability and sanity you probably ought to use h2xs (also part of the standard perl distribution). This tool converts C header files to Perl extensions. See the perlxstut manpage for how to get started with h2xs.
If your system doesn't support dynamic loading, you still probably ought to use h2xs. See the perlxstut manpage and MakeMaker for more information (in brief, just use make perl instead of a plain make to rebuild perl with a new static extension).